Vincent scanned the crowd, doing his best to pick out the faces in the dim light. He didn’t expect to see anybody dangerous, but it was his job to know who was in the room at all times. Everybody who wasn’t drowning in their booze was completely enraptured by the musicians. Some people were trying to dance, but they weren’t getting far. There just wasn’t enough room to move the way the music demanded. Vincent was happy for the crowd, though. He didn’t want David to notice him and have time to plot another escape.
The song ended, and the audience burst into raucous applause. Though David looked out over the crowd, he didn’t rise from his bench, only looking back to the stage when the singer claimed the need for a five-minute break. David dropped his fingers over the keys and tapped out a quick run, then waved to everyone as he stood and followed the others through a narrow door half-hidden by a curtain.