Vincent only had seconds to make up his mind and act. If the owner of the voice came upstairs and saw him, he’d have to kill her. Vincent made it a point to minimize the collateral damage, but he would put a bullet between her eyes if necessary.
“Paul? Are you here? I thought I heard something while I was parking the car.” The volume of her voice changed as she drifted around the first floor, turning on lights. “I left Julie at my sister’s house. I figured it’s been awhile since we had any…alone time. Paul?”
Vincent slipped back into Paul’s office and returned to the window. He didn’t want to be anywhere near the house when she finally made it upstairs to discover the body. Which meant he had to take his chances off the roof. It had a steep incline, but it was probably still a good twelve or fifteen feet from the ground. With his gun secure, he hurried to the edge and leapt before he could change his mind.