Chapter 31

Her sister, though, was just the opposite—although one could see they were sisters. They shared the same dark hair, the same bone structure, but sadly, no one would ever call the smaller, chunkier girl pretty. Her face was marred by thick-lensed glasses, and there was something off about her smile.

Dan saw, Evan assumed, where his gaze had gone. “That’s Sherry, my little angel.” Dan met Evan’s eyes and gave him a sad smile. “She has Down’s.” He shrugged. “But she doesn’t let it slow her down. She’s awesome.” Dan stared at Sherry’s image for a long time. “She’s why I need to be here.”

Evan nodded, seeing quickly how futile it would be to entertain a fantasy of breaking this family up.

He then looked at the woman who must be Dan’s wife, and a flare of jealousy coursed through him, as though something burning hot had been injected into his veins.

“That’s Martha,” Dan said softly, without emotion.

“You love her.” It was a statement, not a question.