“Hey, I may be old, but I’m not that old.”
“Nah, I don’t think you’re old.”
“I could be your father.”
“But you’re not, and never say those words again.”
Edwin laughed, and Carson flashed him an amused smile. He had a good smile. Not too toothy—he didn’t look like a shark or anything. Edwin was still mulling over that smile when Carson pulled into Edwin’s driveway as if the place belonged to him.
“Oh. How are you going to get home?”
“I was hoping you’d drive me. Or I could catch a ride from Cathy.”
“I’m pretty drunk. So is Cathy, for that matter.”
“You won’t be tomorrow.”
“You’re inviting yourself to stay the night?”
“You did say you’d reward me.”
“Come on in, then.”