“You should tell me to go,” Edwin said softly.
“You don’t need this in your life.”
Carson didn’t respond. He bent over the edge of the tub and turned the water on hot, then stood and removed his robe. He tossed it aside indifferently, and it suddenly struck Edwin that he had never asked what Carson regretted. What was the thing that plagued him? What would he take back? Edwin hadmade his first major mistake before he was twenty-six, after all.
“Come on. In you go.”
Edwin allowed Carson to help him over the deep edge. He sat slowly, settling in just inches of hot water. Carson lowered himself on the opposite end. He looked so comfortable that Edwin couldn’t resist awkwardly repositioning himself in the tub, turning around so he could relax with his back against Carson’s chest.
“What is Warren’s wife’s name?” Carson asked.
“What did you tell Angela? Did you tell her to get far away from Warren?”
“Why not?”