Chapter 4

Jesse bent so his cheek could rest comfortably on Gideon’s thigh. Once again, he wanted to spill everything to Gideon. I’ve been trying, I swear. But nothing seems right.But the way Gideon touched him—his fingers light on his cheek and jaw and in his hair—made Jesse think talking would be redundant. Clearly, Gideon knew enough to know that Jesse needed this comfort of being close to him. So maybe that would be enough for now.

“It’s a shame about the snow.” The low tones of Gideon’s voice were hypnotic, made more so by the dim lighting. Though he hadn’t been given instructions to do so, Jesse closed his eyes, concentrating on the feel of the hard muscle beneath his cheek, borrowing its strength as he focused on what Gideon was saying. “I kind of hoped we might get out to Osaka Garden when we were done. It’s been too long since we’ve been there.”