Chapter 21

“Well, maybe it’s best if I meet him alone. I used to be able to do things on my own all the time.”

He didn’t expect the cool glide of fingers across his, but he curled his hand into Gideon’s just the same.

“You have so much strength in you.” Gideon was lost in shadows, the streetlights flirting with the planes of his face. “I’ve always known that.”

A compliment from Gideon would always make him warm with pleasure. And on some level, Jesse knew what Gideon said must be true. How could he help Gideon if he didn’t have strength inside of him? How could he face the sort of horrors they saw every week if he wasn’t strong? How could he be a good partner for either Gideon or Emma if he were weak?

“Always?” he asked lightly. “Even when you were saving me from vampires and chastising me for wandering around Chicago after dark?”

“I said strong. I didn’t say smart.”

Jesse snorted. “I figured you just kept me around for my good looks. I’m dumb but pretty.”