The vampire with the stake in his chest tried to pull himself to his feet, despite his injuries. Gideon didn’t have enough time to get between Marcus and the vampire before the uninjured vamp lunged for him again. Gideon slammed the heel of his hand into the attacker’s nose, pushing the bone up into his brain. Blood gushed over his face and Gideon’s hand, and it slowed him down, but didn’t stop him completely.
Gideon curled his hand into a fist, and he punched the vampire’s broken nose hard enough to snap his head back and send him stumbling against the wall, freeing a path to Marcus. He was doing a good job of dancing away from his vamp, but he didn’t make any attempt to pull the stake out his chest. Gideon got close enough to grab it and pull it out. The vampire made a single gesture to defend himself, but the second time the stake found the vampire’s chest, it was buried in his heart.