Chapter 57

Michelle looked tired, and Emma slipped an arm around her waist, helping support her weight as they headed back to the sidewalk. “Do you need to rest first? Should we go back to the bookstore?”

“Yes. We won’t be able to start until tomorrow morning. I’m tired and the damage I’ve done to the dimension with the portal needs time to heal.”

“What kind of damage have you done?”

“What if I ripped open your skin so I could get a good look at what’s on the other side? It’s not much different than that.”

“So nothing that’s going to affect Gideon and Jesse directly?”

“I don’t know, Emma. I was positive I could keep everything together and everybody safe with a limit of five days. Now that the window is closed, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

She knew Michelle was tired of her questions, but until she had answers, Emma wasn’t going to stop. In fact, she wasn’t going to stop until Gideon and Jesse were safely home.