Shorty chortled. “I’m a pessimist by nature these days, but who knows.” As he spoke, he started down a ramp that led to a creek with a path running along one side.
Mick followed, wondering where they were going. He found out a few minutes later when Shorty stopped along the path, looking around. A pair of bicyclists sped by them, and there were a few people running, or strolling along, seemingly enjoying the mid-evening weather.
“We’re going over there,” Shorty said, pointing to a cluster of trees and brush across the creek. “As soon as the coast is clear. You might want to take off your shoes.”
Mick thought it would be a bit obvious why, if he did it where they were standing, so he went down to the edge of the creek, took them and his socks off, and after putting them in his pack, dangled his feet is the slow-moving water.
“You’re pretty smart,” Shorty said, joining him before doing the same.