Mick turned to look at him and saw worry and caring in his gaze. “Like Shorty said, now that I remembered this, maybe the rest will come easier.”
* * * *
“It better, because I miss you.” Richard worried his lip between his teeth. “I know you’re standing right here, but if you can’t remember anything about us then it’ll be like starting over again, and what if this time you decide you don’t want me.”
“I don’t think that’ll happen,” Mick replied. “And stop with the lip thing. It drives me crazy.”
Richard felt his spirits lift, again. “You always used to say that.”
“Guys,” Shorty said. “You’re talking like it’s been years since you saw each other, not a few days.”
“It might as well have been, all things considered,” Richard replied. “For Mick, at least.”
“Good point. So…where’s this dinner you promised us? Maybe that’ll jog a few more memories.”
It didn’t, but for the moment it didn’t matter as far as Richard was concerned. He remembers me, and that’s the first step.