Chapter 24

“First things first,” Mick said as they entered. He saw Ed with one of the bartenders and strolled over. When Ed finished, Mick said, “I need to talk to you.”

“Sure. What about?”

“Let’s go to my office.”

With a nod, Ed followed him.

When everyone was seated, Mick said, “I need the keys for the club.”

“What happened to yours?” Ed asked.

“They were taken when I was mugged.”

“When you were what?” Ed exclaimed in apparent dismay.

“Mugged. I wasn’t gone because I had the flu. I was attacked early Thursday morning, right after I left here as far as I can figure. Whoever did it took the keys and my wallet, and left me…well, not to put too fine a point on it, to die. I might have, if Mr. Short hadn’t found me. Right now, that’s beside the point. I presume there’s more than one set of keys.”

“You know there are. The extras are in the safe.” Ed gestured toward it.

Mick grimaced. “There’s another thing I lost when I was attacked. My memory of everything other than who I am.”