“Now what?” Richard asked.
“Now, we wait for the police,” Trenton replied as he took out his phone. As soon as he’d made the call, explaining in brief why they were needed, he hung up. Then, with his gun still trained on Celeste and Andy, he suggested they all go inside to wait.
“Make me,” Celeste said defiantly. “I know you won’t really shoot me.”
“Do notbet on it,” Trenton said with quiet intensity. “Right now I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do. It’s bad enough you were fucking him—” he scowled at Andy, “—behind my back, but trying to murder Mick…twice…and planning on framing me for it? Yes, Celeste, it would make my day to see you lying on the ground, wounded or dead, either-or. So do as you’re told before I forget I’m supposed to be one of the good guys here.”
“I was only trying to help you get control of both the clubs,” Celeste protested. “Mick doesn’t deserve them. You’ve said so more than once, sweetheart.”