“I want to, so deal.”10
They did celebrate, with an excellent meal, and then extremely satisfying loving between Mick and Richard once Shorty had gone to bed.
The following morning, Mick gathered up what he needed to get a copy of his lost driver’s license. In the process, he realized he should cancel his credit cards as well. Thankfully, the information he needed to do that was in a folder in the file cabinet. With that chore completed, and the promise that new cards would arrive within the week, he and Shorty took off via cab to visit the driver’s license bureau. After a frustratingly long wait, and dealing with a bored clerk, Mick was able to renew his license—with the promise that it, too, should arrive within the week
That still left time before the club opened for Mick to take Shorty shopping for new clothes.
“You don’t have to do this,” Shorty had protested when the cab dropped them at a men’s store in Cherry Creek North.