He ran his tongue back up across my stomach and breasts, then moved up to kiss me again. Our tongues met once more, this time more passionately, exploring each other’s oral cavity fully. As he moved back up across my body, the loose-fitting pajama bottoms I had given him slid down to his legs, revealing a tight, firm butt covered with a light dusting of hair. My robe was open all the way now, and he helped me out of it. He embraced me tightly, and I could feel his heartbeat as he kissed my face, my neck, my ears more fervently. I could feel his manhood at full attention rubbing against my crotch.
I was overcome with desire to hold him as tightly as he was holding me, to feel his heartbeat against mine. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around him, wanting to feel as much of his body against mine as I could. Holding me tightly, breathing into my ear, he slid into me.