“Maybe if we concentrate hard enough, we can touch solid objects. That’d be a good first step.”
“I suppose touching Shane would be bad.”
Lucky had always assumed that touching Shane would be bad. “Do you think you can?”
Stella was already moving. “He rubbed the spot I tried to touch him before. That can’t be a coincidence.”
Her skirt billowed around her legs as she crouched down beside Shane. Tilting her head, she peered up into his face. Though the ends of her hair trailed over the mess on the floor, none of the scraps were disturbed. Shane didn’t even pause in his clean up.
“His eyes are all bloodshot.” She reached up and skimmed her fingertips along his cheek. “I hope he finds the Visine in the bathroom.”
Lucky slid off the couch to kneel on the floor beside her. He wanted to mimic her. He wanted to touch Shane’s face, but even though he was almost completely certain he wouldn’t make contact, he couldn’t quite let himself indulge in such an intimate caress.