Chapter 17

They slipped into the Chippendales’ employee entrance behind a pair of young men. When Lucky’s gaze settled on the tight ass of the closest, Stella squeezed his hand.

“We should’ve been more obvious with some of these Chippendales,” she said. “Think of all the fun we missed out on.”

“We missed out on a lot of things. After we take Shane to Rio, we should go on a world tour. See all the pretty boys and girls we never got the chance to see before.” He nudged her, directing her attention to a tall man with black hair down to the middle of his back. “What do you think about him?”

Her gaze swept hungrily over the powerful shoulders, down to the long, hard legs. “I think we should’ve kidnapped him ages ago and taken turns with him. And then ridden him at the same time. Do you think his ass is as tight as it looks?”

Lucky growled under his breath. “Do you talk like that just because you know it drives me crazy?”