Chapter 20

“Or what?”

He didn’t want to say it. “Nothing. Doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter. It matters a great deal. And I’ve got nothing but time on my hands, so if I need to wait you out, then I’ll do it.”

“Yeah. Because you’re the patient sort.”

“I’ll learn to be patient.” Lucky sighed. It was a little strange to hear a ghost sigh. Did they breathe? It didn’t seem like they should, but then, it didn’t seem like ghosts should exist at all. “Is it because of what I did with the tip?”

The only way to avoid the question was to drink whatever Lucky had poured for him. Except the first sip burned going down his throat and Shane sputtered as he struggled to breathe again.

Easier to answer, apparently.

“The tip was a shitty thing to do,” he said. “You pull stunts like that, and I don’t know if you think of me as a friend, or someone you keep around because I’m convenient and cheap.”