Her velvet coat spread out around her like she was Scarlett O’Hara and he was one of her Southern beaus. She smoothed the fabric out, as if a few wrinkles would make a difference to whether or not the spirits would hear her.
“Say what it is you’d like to accomplish today, Mr. Norton.”
He frowned. He’d already told her all this. “I need to get a message to Lucky and Stella.”
She sighed, clearly dissatisfied with his answer. “Don’t tell me.” She waved a hand around the empty room. “Tell them.”
He couldn’t help looking around. “They’re not here. How can I tell them if they’re not here?”
Her lips thinned to nothing. She didn’t blink for over a minute, waiting for him to comply with her first request.
This was ridiculous. “Fine.” He cleared his throat. His voice was louder when he spoke again. “Lucky? Stella? If you’re out there, please, I need to talk to you.”