
Chapter 25

“I didn’t say that. But how about this? I’ll give Arliss a buzz, and if he answers, I’ll ask him to call you. Fair enough?”

Sean didn’t know if Arliss would be interested in calling him back, not with the way they had left things that morning. But beggars can’t be choosers, right? “I’d appreciate that.” Sean gave him his number.

“Okay, kiddo. We’ll see what happens.” And Emmett hung up.

* * * *

When his cell rang, Arliss saw “Emmett” and debated about answering. Calls from his boss were always a bad thing. Usually someone had crapped out on his shift, and if Emmett was calling, it was most likely to ask if Arliss would “be so kind” as to fill in on his day off. After the morning he’d had, Arliss didn’t know how eager he was to go in this evening and shake his groove thing for a bunch of dirty old men.

But one thing Arliss always needed was more money. And he couldn’t afford to pass on an opportunity to make some, so he pressed Accept.