Chapter 3

That night before we’d parted ways for different high schools, though. That eternal hug Topher had given me, the tightness, my face buried in his neck, the refusal to let go, and the eye-to-eye contact when we hadlet go. What had it all meant? Why had our faces been too close unlike every other time?

“Chip, come join us,” Dad said. “Unless you feel like standing there and missing out on some great food, if I can say so myself.”

I smiled in an exaggerated manner. I probably looked as drunk as I’d been on the night of my high school graduation before vomiting everywhere at the bar after only a few drinks. That and getting kicked out for being underage with a fake ID had made me pledge never to have another drink.

I reached the left side of the four-seater table, opposite from the kitchen wall. I took a seat across from Dad and next to Topher, with Alessandra next to Dad, as if all naturally coordinated. Dinner began.

Alessandra took a small bite. “Mmm, this is delicious.”