I glanced at a very-anxious Topher, and I sighed. “We don’t have to if you’re not ready.”
He inhaled and released. “I thought I was. I fucking swear I thought I was. Like, it just hit me earlier and I was pumped and ready to come out. But now…” He shook his head. “I can’t seem to do it.”
“It’s okay if you’re still not out, you know. I’m not completely out myself, just to family and close friends, really.”
The front door opened, and Dad appeared with a face that told me his being upset was an understatement. He shook his head at us and went back inside.
I looked at Topher and gestured for him to follow me. I figured I’d take the lead and get it over with. We marched toward the door and entered. When I closed the door, I spotted Dad sitting next to Alessandra in the living room, both with dried eyes. Had they been crying?
I rushed toward him and took a seat across from him. “Dad, I’m, I’m reallysorry.”