Chapter 29

From the force of the blast that had torn into me, I fully expected to see a hand-sized burn mark on his coat. Except he looked exactly the same.

The gaze I met was oddly sympathetic. “Are you all right?” he surprised me by asking.

I flexed my fingers. Not a mark on them, but the residual heat still crawled in my veins. I could have sworn I smelled burnt hair, too, though that could have been the power of suggestion more than anything else. “What did you do?”

“Why is it always about what I’ve done? Or what he’s done?” He nodded toward the cabin at the last, referring to Leandro. “Think about the pieces. You’re looking for the trees when you should be trying to find the forest.”

Now, that actually made a little bit of sense. “There’s a bigger picture here?”

Lemuel smirked. “Aw, there’s a brain that goes with that pretty face, too. How adorable.”