Chapter 14

“Twitter can be a really fun way to connect with fans,” Penny says with a smile.

There’s a knock on the door, someone telling them their rides are ready, so they get moving. Donnie goes back to his dressing room and grabs his things, and within a few minutes, he’s being led to a car that’s going to drive him home.

Donnie says goodbye to the rest of the band, who have their own cars waiting. Penny gives him a big hug. He bumps fists with Brenton and Drew, and then he’s face to face with Jed, who leans in and gives him a quick hug.

“I’m sorry I asked you not to tell anyone. I still don’t think it’s a big deal, but I shouldn’t ask you to keep secrets for me,” Jed says in a rush.

“It’s okay,” Donnie says softly. Jed hugs people all the time, so Donnie knows getting a hug from him isn’t a big deal, but it feels like a big deal.

“I won’t do it again,” Jed swears.

“Don’t worry about it, dude,” Donnie says, trying to shake off the weird feeling he’s left with after Jed’s hug.