“I’m staying out of this. If I say the girls’ PDA is cute, I’ll just sound like a perverted asshole,” Drew complains.
“I think it’s okay if you call it cute. Saying it’s hot would make you a bit creepy. Asking to join in would make you an asshole,” Brenton says thoughtfully.
“I think everyone should be allowed to kiss,” Donnie says, leaning against Jed’s side a little, pleased when Jed slides his arm around his shoulders, holding Donnie close.
“I agree. Just because y’all are single doesn’t mean you need to be bitter,” Jed jokes.
“I’m not single, actually, or bitter,” Jamie says, looking nervous.
“You’re not single?” Penny asks, surprised.
“Did you finally say yes to that producer who’s been asking you out?” Jed asks, sounding pleased.
“Yes, we’ve had a few dates. It’s going well,” Jamie says, and she blushes slightly, something Donnie doesn’t think he’s ever seen her do before. He can’t believe he used to think of her as an ice queen.