“Are you okay?”
Avery chuckled and took the hug, but then he pushed out of Mr. King’s embrace.
“I’m fine.”
Mr. King arched an eyebrow, and Avery smacked him on the shoulder. “Really. Jameson’s been taking the best care of me. You interrupted dinner.” Avery motioned to the table.
Mr. King didn’t look. “Tyler was trying out a new anchor, and it wasn’t going well, which is why I couldn’t do it. I’m sorry, Avery. I know—”
“Stop.” Avery held up a hand and then reached out toward Jameson and motioned him back over.
Jameson approached them carefully. There was an air about Mr. King Jameson didn’t like. It was clear he cared about Avery’s wellbeing, but that rankled, too. Jameson was the one taking care of Avery. He had it under control. And it bothered him to have it questioned. He wanted to say as much, but he knew it wasn’t the time or place, so he held his tongue.
But it was a challenge.