Chapter 3

I dohave long legs, I reminded myself, and am well-proportioned, if a bit slimmer of build that I would have liked. And, I have been told I have a bubble butt—something that up till that moment had always made me slightly uncomfortable.

But now, here in this moment, I was fiercely determined not to cringe at any aspect of my assets. I kept the image of that woman in my mind, and deliberately slowed my walk, concentrating on the sensual feeling of my movements, trying for a kind of casual confidence.

This time when I passed the two men, I didget a look—from the other man, since he was the one facing me now. I wasn’t sure what his look meant, but at least it wasn’t dismissal.

When I sat down across from Carmen, I saw her regarding me with a kind of amused surprise.

“What?” I said.

“Kind of overdid it, that time, don’t you think?”