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Chapter 14

It was with such unimportant ideas that I spent my time while on the drugs.

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Sometime after the injection, when I was lying there in a kind of wandering bliss, the nurse returned. He had two jars and a towel. When I looked at him questioningly, he held up one of the jars and said, “I will apply this, and examine how you are healing.”

I wondered a little at this, but didn’t mind. I actually was coming to like the presence and gentle touch of this taciturn man. He rolled me onto my back, and spreading my cheeks again, gently applied some of the ointment. The touch of his finger applying it around the sphincter and even slightly inside, gave me feelings of pleasure in addition to the expected sharp pain and discomfort of bruised flesh—where the oaf in the parking lot had tried to shove his hand—being pressed.