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Chapter 23

He didn’t take them, but walked to the door and, finding it unlocked, opened it. He closed it after a few seconds. Then he came back and I could see his legs as he stood there, facing me again.

When at last I brought myself to raise my head and meet his gaze, I saw not only the thundercloud expression I expected, but a certain puzzlement too.

I shivered, and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

He didn’t move a muscle, but merely regarded me through those dark, intense eyes.

Finally, he shook his head, after which we regarded each other until I could endure it no more. I lowered my gaze, slipped off the bed and onto my knees, holding out the keys.

He didn’t take them, and my stomach tightened.7: Training

Now I agonized over what to do, how to salvage the situation. A small voice inside my head pleaded, I never left! I never left! I chose to stay!But I wasn’t sure about that last. It was more accurate to say I had simply been incapable of leaving, which is not quite the same thing.