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Chapter 28

I found myself increasingly content with the situation. The routine was pretty regular: good food, amazing sex, and a cornucopia of high-quality entertainment, either in book, CD or DVD form, plus a spa-level bathroom. It gradually dawned on me that I was in no hurry to leave.

Oh, sure, I had had a “life,” but it wasn’t much. A small apartment, shared with a roommate I tolerated but didn’t really like; and a job that paid the bills but not much more, and certainly wasn’t rewarding. Hereon the other hand, I had a resource center of interesting literature to draw from. And that was just secondary too!

I began to go through what are called the “Great Books,” sixty volumes of important works from Western civilization, from philosophy to politics, to fiction. I began on the fiction—read my first Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse, and it blew me away. Then I read Waiting for Godot, and wasn’t sure I either understood or liked it.