“Of course you’ll know. I’m an awful liar…” A long pause, and Amy held her breath, waiting for a more concrete confirmation. “I can’t stop thinking about her. She’s…the most beautiful thing…”
She had to bite her lower lip to keep from making a sound. Nobody had called her beautiful in so many years, not since Ernest, and especially never by a young, handsome man like Kenneth.
“I saw you. Watching her when she was doing the laundry.”
Silence. Amy leaned closer to the crack of the curtain, straining to hear. Not silence. Breathing. Both of them. Heavily.
“She leaned forward…” Leon grunted, cleared his throat. “The water splashed so you could see her nipples if you were looking. You were looking, weren’t you, Kenny boy?”
“I was looking. At her whole body. Her shoulders, and her bottom, and her legs. I don’t want to talk about her…”
“Why not?”
“Because…it’ll never be anything except talk.”