“Maybe I can’t, but I’ll still try.”
She turned into his palm, her mouth brushing over the rough calluses on the heel. Her heart had chosen that moment to start racing, thudding in her ears loud enough to drown everything but him out. It was ridiculous to be so overwhelmed by his declaration. Nothing had really changed.
Her breath caught.
Nothing had really changed. Kenneth was still the same gentle soul who had risked life and limb to save his friend. He was still the trusting man who had believed her when she’d said she wouldn’t turn him in. He was still the careful lover who made her feel beautiful when she knew she was anything but. It wasn’t in him to kill anyone. She knew that now.
And she believed him when he vowed to try.
“What do youwant?” she said softly. “Forget what you think I want. Do you want to stay because you’re tired of running?”