Chapter 71

They hurried to the next car, this one all sleeper compartments, and moved on through without stopping. The third car they entered carried livestock and some cargo. Todd knew immediately this was where Jah’lar had to be. He’d know of Nick’s affinity and care for not just horses, but all livestock. It was simply another sort of weapon, a way to distract them mentally, the demon would try to use. Two horses were in stalls halfway down the car. They nickered softly. One of the horses was black with a large white blaze down his face. His general size and build reminded Todd of Nick’s horse Obi.

“He’s here,” Todd said in a low voice.

“How can you tell?”

“Horses. Jah’lar knows hurting horses would gut Nick.”

Heidi looked around, then moved closer to Todd and hissed out, “The bastard. There is a lot of straw and hay in here. Use of any fire will make this place go up like a tinderbox.”