Chapter 21

You asked if I’d like to continue writing to you. Jason, I would, if you don’t mind someone who forgets where commas go or gets a mental block over the weirdest things. (Like when I was a kid, I kept confusing “avenue” and “road.”)

BTW, happy International Moment of Laughter Day. I think we can all use moments of laughter



What a really nice guy. Too bad that idiot Rick had made him so self-conscious about his education.

It wasn’t odd that Ben didn’t mention Jason sending Rick’s card back to him—it was too soon for him to have received it, but either way, Jason had no intention of bringing it up.

Letting sleeping dogs lie, my boy. That’s what you’re going to do

Holding his jeans up with one hand, Jason gathered the mail and went down to his study. He really needed to get to work on that paper, but he had time enough to find a card for Ben.

And to jerk off. 10