Chapter 23

And you want to hear another funny thing? The person who got the card? He wrote back to me. He’s a nice person, Rick. I hate to say this, but he’s nicer than you, and I think he and I would get along together pretty well.

I think you’ll understand why I’m sending you a congratulations card. You’ve made your point—you don’t want me. It would have been nice if you’d told me to my face instead of ghosting me, but then you always tended to avoid confrontations, didn’t you? Anyway, this is the last time you’ll hear from me.

I’ll always remember the good times we had, Rick, and I hope you’ll find happiness wherever you go.



Well. It looked like there was such a thing as karma. Elspeth put the card back in its envelope and found a manila envelope into which to place them. She didn’t know who she felt sorrier for—that man Ben for loving someone like Richard Preston, or Preston for losing someone like that man Ben.