Chapter 28

“This weekend?”

“Yes?” Was he pushing things? Maybe Jason would be more comfortable getting used to the idea gradually.

“Works for me.”

Ben felt like wriggling like a puppy. “I’ll make a reservation at the Wooster Marriott—” He might have looked into places to stay in the college town.

“No, you won’t.”

“Uh…I won’t?”

“No. You’ll stay with me.”

Ben breathed out a silent sigh. For a minute he’d thought Jason hadn’t wanted him there at all. “I don’t want to put you out.”

“You won’t, I promise you. I’ve got plenty of bedrooms. Oh. Unless you’re worried I’ll come on to you?”

“You mean you won’t?” As Ben hoped, that made Jason laugh. “I’ll start first thing in the morning…”

“Ben, it shouldn’t take you longer than an hour and a half, two hours at the most to make that drive. Why not come over this evening?”