Chapter 31

* * * *

It had been a long night, and the morning seemed to be stretching out even longer. Everything was in order, but now he had nothing to do except drift through the house, trying to distract himself. Dammit, he should have nailed Ben down to a specific time.

Didn’t the minute hand move? He was ready to swear the clock had said ten fifteen half an hour ago.

Okay, he’d pull out the text Dr. Hewitt suggested he study.

No, if he did that, he’d lose track of time. Wait, wasn’t that what he wanted to do?

He went from room to room again to make sure everything was in order. The scent of lilacs filled the house.

Did the television screen need to be dusted again? Should he have dry-mopped the hardwood floor? What about—

The doorbell rang.

Oh, that had better not be Gabe with his magazine subscriptions. He stalked to the door and pulled it open.

“You’re not—”

“I am.”