Instead he adjusted himself discreetly. Then he put the bag in the Jeep and closed the hatch.
“This was a great afternoon.” Jason said as he climbed into the front seat.
Ben got behind the wheel. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” That meant a lot to him, especially since Rick had never wanted to come over back before the shit had hit the fan.
“About that long drive I have to make…”
“I’ve had a perfect attendance record at Wooster U.”
Ben blinked. “And?” He had no idea where Jason was going with this.
“If…if I miss tomorrow’s classes, the world won’t come to an end.”
The light went on. “Jason, would you like to spend the night at my place?”
“Yes, please, I would.”
Ben wrapped an arm around Jason’s neck and tugged him close. It’s too soon to tell him you love him, Ben reminded himself, so instead he whispered in Jason’s ear, “Thank you for coming with me.”