“We’re missing too many good holidays, Ben,” Jason said on the phone one evening.
“I can’t argue with you about that.” Ben just wasn’t sure what Jason wanted to do about it.
“Check your mail.”
* * * *
“Fred, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure, Ben. Everything going all right in the lab?”
“Yes, it’s all good.”
“Do you need me to order supplies?”
“No, we’re fine. That’s not what I…” Ben pulled a chair closer to Fred’s desk and sat down. “I’m giving you my notice.”
He held up a hand. “I can’t thank you enough for how kind you’ve been to me, getting me this job. Getting me Jason.” He grinned at Fred. “Oh, yeah. I’d been pretty much knocked for a loop that day, learning what Rick had done to my mom and dad. I’m not smart, but I can work things out after a while.”
“Are you leaving because we interfered?”