Jason opened the front door, and stepped out into the lightly falling snow. Ben turned off the engine, got out of the Jeep, and jogged toward him. His lips were cold as he brushed them over Jason’s. “Get inside. It’s freezing out here.”
He had a point, and Jason hurried inside, holding the door open for him. Ben paused inside to stamp the snow off his boots, and then pull them off. “I should have come in through the side door.” It opened into the mudroom.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Any word?” Ben stripped off his coat and hung it up on the coat tree. There wasn’t much snow on it, but it would be damp.
“Nothing yet.”
“Okay. Let me get out of these clothes. Then we can worry together.” Ben took the stairs two at a time to their bedroom.
“I’ll make lunch,” Jason called after him.
“Sounds good. I’m starved.”
“You didn’t get anything at the university?”
“Everything was shut down. And I didn’t have any spare change for the vending machines,”