Daniel looked over to the large man. “If I press charges, won’t he press assault charges against Sury and Nick?” he asked.
Sam shook his head. “You don’t worry about that. I have a feeling your cousin is already telling her part in the tale.” He glanced over to see Sury, still barefoot, reenacting her shoe maneuver with high heel in hand. Sam continued, “Nicky and I have been down this road before.” He rose and brushed the lapels of his jacket. “And seeing that I made a promise to become a former employee in my current position, I can say this will be a reason to resign peaceably.”
“I think that is it,” announced Sury, flopping down on the plush sofa next to Daniel. “He’ll want to speak with you. And I want…Maan?”Sury jumped up and dashed across the room toward two women exiting the back rooms.