“Now you know better,” Sury finished his thought. “My point is, you used to see the potential for romance everywhere, but now you only see the potential for heartbreak. I think you are missing the point.” She placed her hand gently on his cheek. “When is the last time you counted your steps, Daniel?” He looked into Sury’s dark eyes and realized it had been days, maybe even weeks. She smiled at stunned expression. “Remember that you have to experience love before you feel heartbreak. I think you are missing the part where you enjoy loving someone.”
Daniel dropped his head to her shoulder. “You sound much wiser in my dreams,” he said.
Sury kicked one leg over the other and patted his arm. “Oh, I’m always this amazing,” she said. “Now, stop whining and being a pathetic twerp about your boyfriend having to go to work. He’s hot. You’re hot. And life is good.”
Daniel bit back a smile. “Now there is the Sury I know.”