If I bought crap, you’d eat crap?
Yes,he said.
And you call yourself my son? Keep it up and we’ll become vegetarians.
Gross. He made a face to emphasize his point.
We’ll eat b-o-k c-h-o-y for breakfast and it’ll be all your fault,I said.
We can go outside and eat the grass. It’s free!
Exactly, I said.
Like we’re goats or something.
We could save money.
I’m tired of saving money.
So am I.
Why do you have to be so weird?he asked.
I’m not weird.
No wonder nobody likes you.
People like me.
You won’t even go to McDonald’s. K. says her mom takes her there all the time.
“K.” was fingerspelling shorthand for Keke.
Can’t we go? Just once? It’s been almost a year!
I’ll think about it.
Can we go tomorrow?
I’ll think about it!
The conversation was interrupted as he gulped down sweet tea.
He had a cheeky smile on his face.
Why doesn’t your boyfriend call you?
Shut up!
Told you you were weird.