Someone’s here!he signed.
Go see who it is.
He went to the door, opened it. I heard nothing, but saw him signing. I got up, went to the door, and found Juan standing there, looking rather sheepish.
Come in,I signed.
He came in, regarding us both somewhat fearfully.
Are you okay?I asked.
I just wanted to see you,he said. I hope I’m not bothering you.
Not at all. Are you hungry?
A little.
This is my son N-o-a-h.
We met, he said, smiling as he looked at Noah.
Juan tucked into my baked chicken and veggies like he hadn’t eaten for several days.
Noah looked at me, smiling mischievously.
Eat!I ordered sternly.
He grinned.
When Juan had taken the edge off his appetite, I asked him where he lived.
I live with my mom, he said vaguely.
Where are you from?
My mom brought me here when I was five. I was born in M-e-x-i-c-o C-i-t-y.
You’re an illegal?
He shrugged.
His signing wasn’t that good. Adequate, but nothing more, as though he did not have many people to practice with.