Chapter 35

“It’s a computer game place right over there,” I said, pointing to a shop near the entrance to the food court.

We don’t have money, I pointed out.

I just want to look.

“Let me buy him something,” Jackson said.

“I’d rather you didn’t,” I said.

“Don’t be a poopy pants. And remember, it will help distract him. You want him to be distracted, don’t you?”

He offered this with a brilliant smile.

“Don’t make it a habit,” I said. “And yes, I certainly do.”

In Game Stop, Noah and Jackson pored through the racks like two old friends. I watched them, something tugging at my heart. For Noah’s sake, I feigned an interest in video games. But Jackson, he knew his stuff.

Noah was keenly happy to look through racks like any normal child with money in his pocket. I was happy to watch him, to let someone take the reins. I took pictures of them browsing the racks, which earned me suspicious looks from passersby.