Chapter 54

“It’s close to Noah’s school and close to my job.”

“Oh,” he said with exaggerated emphasis. “Your job. Right. FoodWorld! Nobody beats our meats!”

“Why are you busting my balls?” I asked.

“Wiley, when are you going to get a decent job? Stop living in public housing? Make something of yourself? It’s not that complicated, bro.”

“I’m a single father, in case you forgot.”


“I’ve lost out on a lot of jobs because I have to take care of Noah. I can’t work any shift, any hours, any day, weekends, holidays—and that eliminates a lot of decent jobs. I’m doing the best I can.”

“We have company, you guys,” Mary said primly.

“Oh, to hell with that,” Bill said, shooting a nasty look at Jackson, who seemed extremely uncomfortable as he picked at his roast.

“You know how he is when he gets a burr up his butt,” Papaw observed. “When he was a little boy, we had to tie his hands to a fencepost to keep him from digging around in his own butthole.”