Chapter 73

Noah went to his room and I followed. He wasn’t interested in Xbox or watching a DVD.

I don’t feel good,he said, turning to me.

I helped him undress. He crawled into bed and I sat down next to him.

Tell me the story about Mom again, he said.

I sighed.

Please? he asked.

She was my friend when I was young like you, I said. We went to school together.

Like me and K.?


But you went away, he said.

I went to college.

She didn’t go?


Then what?

When I came home for summer the second year, we hung out together. That’s when she got pregnant with you.

Then what?

She was scared. It’s not easy to have a baby.

But you helped her.

I took her to the doctor many times. I tried to help her.

Then what happened?

Then you were born. You came too early. You were supposed to wait for another month, but you came early. You had a lot of problems because you were too small. Your mom got scared and she left, so Memaw and I took care of you.

Did Mom love me?

I’m sure she did.