Chapter 77

Why do you keep asking me that?I asked.

I want to know.

I’ve already answered you.

You could be lying.

I sighed a bit too heavily. I was tired of this particular conversation. Noah had a deep, abiding insecurity. Nothing I did seemed to make it better.

“Come here,” I said, waving my hand at him.

He walked slowly over to me.

I put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes for long, long moments. I could see all his fear and insecurity in his eyes, his hesitation, his doubts.

I’m going to answer this question, I signed at last, but I want you to promise me you will never ask me this question again. Do you promise me?

He nodded.

You’re my only child and I will never love anyone as much as I love you. I would cut off my own arms for you. Don’t you ever doubt it. I’ve been there for you since the day you were born and I will always be there for you, and that will never change. Do you understand?

He shrugged.