Chapter 83

“Let’s take pictures, shall we?” Jackson said loudly when Noah pulled away.

“Who wants their picture taken with Iron Man?” I asked.

Like a bunch of tourists, they all did. I was happy to oblige.

“Well, I must go back to Hollywood,” Jackson said.

“You don’t live in Hollywood,” Eli pointed out.

“Oh?” Jackson said.


Where did Iron Man live?

“I’ve got a meeting there with…Beyoncé!” Jackson exclaimed.

I looked at Noah.

Don’t you want to ask him something? I prompted.

Noah’s face became serious.

Can you take care of my mom? he signed to Jackson in deadly earnest.

I don’t need to, Jackson signed. She went to heaven to talk to Jesus.

Okay, Noah said. Can you take care of my dad, too, and help him find a good job?

Of course! It was nice to meet you!

Noah hugged him again, which prompted a bit of a free-for-all as the kids grabbed at Iron Man’s arms, trying to get his attention.

“Okay!” I said. “Iron Man has to go to Hollywood! Tell Iron Man goodbye!”