For all his size, Simon put Claire at ease with his sincerity and care, a reaction that surprised her as much as it delighted. Everything about him read authentic. Regardless of how this encounter with Celeste worked out, Claire would have met a pretty amazing man, one she hoped she could convince to get away from his employer and find a life that would last for decades instead of ending prematurely because his vampire boss got angry one day and decided to eat him for lunch.
The back door to the club pushed open without hassle, and they walked into a wall of heat and sound. Simon’s hand tightened protectively around hers as he led the way through the backstage area behind the DJ.
Guilt caused her to tug at him before they left the din entirely.
“Maybe I should go ahead and meet with Ms. Rieke,” she said when he paused and looked back at her. “Since I’m here anyway.”